The Evolution of Hollywood Comedies: Why R-rated Theatrical Releases are Changing

about Hollywood no longer making the kinds of R-rated wide-release theatrical comedies. In my opinion, I think the reason why Hollywood doesn’t make kind of like mid-budget theatrical comedies in the way they used to is basically because we just don’t need them the way we needed them like in the early 2000s or before. And go watch this video because Vince Vaughn gives a completely different answer, which, you know, I also agree with Audley. But things can be more than one thing and problems can have more than one solution. So definitely hear him out on it. But I think asking a question like, why don’t we get mid-budget films anymore is a lot like asking, well, why does nobody have a landline anymore? And I think the answer to both is in your hand right now. Like it’s because of your cell phone. Before the only way to get like spoof movies or what ifs or movies that aren’t that expensive to make was to wait for somebody to do it as a movie through a big movie studio. You had to work at a comedy club and work your way up to the writers room and moonlight as a PA and go through all of these hoops in order to get a film made like the right way. Now, if you have a good cheap idea, you could just do it yourself. You don’t you don’t need to all that rigamarole. The point being is that if I can get things that are just as funny in those old movies on the internet, why would I pay $18 for a movie ticket for it? And Hollywood can’t make a movie as fast as I can shoot that same concept right here on the cell phone. The only thing we can’t do is large scale spectacle movies and that’s why that’s all you’re getting.