Journey to America: A Beauty Prep and Excitement for the Trip

What’s up and to do a little chit chat video even though I’m still freaking shadow banned, my account is still on an account warning. So you’re either gonna see this or you’re not always like, think to do these videos.

I’m like, I have so much to say and then I start them and I forget everything that’s going on in my life. I’ve been on Accutane for over a month now. If you follow me, you know, you know, skin still . I got the beauty filter on, but it’s still bad being on Accutane. My skin has gotten very dry over the last month. I’ve always had like quite mild eczema, like not bad at all. Like just I get patch you on my neck a little bit here, just in like really random spots. I went to put that on my neck. Then I’ve noticed the last time I tried to fake tan last week, the fake tan stuck really weird and patchy to my neck. And I was like, here we go. It’s the eczema. And then on top of that, my fake tan didn’t even last at all, like not even a week. And like, I’ve been a heavy fake Tanner for like two, two, two years, seven years. I’ve literally been tanning since I was 14 years old. And so when my tan is not sticking, that’s when you know there’s a problem.

Anyway, I just want to say Mugu is my new friend. I actually really love this lotion. I love the way it smells. I can’t explain it. I smell creamy. I smell like, oh, like just like cream. Like, not cream, like edible cream. Like I smell so good. It’s kind of expensive. It’s like $35, but it’s just really good. Yeah, I don’t even know what to say about this. This is not sponsored. I wish it was also still on the American grind. I go so soon, you guy. Well, not so soon, but like soon enough that I’m getting stressed because I have so much holiday prep to do, you know, like the last minute essentials, all like the beauty prep. Like I feel like the beauty prep starts costing more than the actual holiday.

It’ll also be my 21st birthday in the next couple of weeks, which I don’t really have anything planned for. The whole point of going to America was because I wanted to do that for my 21st. I don’t know, I’m probably still gonna do something small with my friends. I don’t know. I don’t really care about my birthday, to be honest. Like every year I’m like, wow, my birthday. And then I expect it to be this amazing, great day. And I’m lit down and I cry.

My girls that I’m going traveling with come over next weekend and we’re finishing booking the like the last final things for the trip. I’m so excited. You guys like, wow, that’s why I’m like really about this whole like account warning thing because I have so much content planned, but when I go on this trip and if no one’s gonna see it, that’s gonna be really . But I’m gonna do my best of vlog so much on YouTube. I just have to. It’s a personal thing I have to work on cuz YouTube for some reason seems like so much more effort than TikTok. I can’t explain why.

Over the next few weeks, like literally leading up to America, I have something on like at least every second weekend. So I feel like at the moment, time is just flying. Like time’s just flying in general. I don’t know how we’re in like nearly the middle of may already, but also because I’ve been bowling on it. Oh, I look so ugly. I’m actually not liking this top right now on me. Like this is so cute, but not right now. That’s better. I don’t know why. For some reason I’m having a sensory problem. Words cannot even begin to explain how excited I am for this trip.

You guys. Like I’ve been dreaming of this since I was 10 years old. Younger? No way. I guess I just wanted to say life’s really good. And that’s probably only because I’m going on a trip. When I come back, I’m gonna be depressed and be like, I hate my life. But that just means I need to plan the next trip.

Oh . I hate when you get like a knot in your necklace. Like I just don’t have the time and energy to get that out. I’ll do it cuz it’ll annoy me, but it’s so inconvenient, brother.

I’ve just had like about f, well, by the time I get my nails done, it’ll be about a good four month break from having nails. Literally told myself I was just gonna stop and have a break while I was saving for this trip. Cuz that way, you know, it’s just another unnecessary Bill. And my nails got really ruined from Biab. So it was like, I’m just gonna give myself a break. And I’m at the point where I’m like, , I really miss my nails. But we’re less than two months out for the trip. I can hold it. It’s just gonna be hard.

Same with fake tanning. Fake tanning is another like huge part of like my beauty routine. I would prefer to be fake tan to then get my nails, anything else because of my X men now it’s like really hard to fake tan cuz the tan doesn’t aid last would be turn out well. I’ve decided to have a break from fake tanning. And if I do fake tan, I’m just gonna do it gradually with a lotion. I want my skin to be as like healed and have a break from fake tan as much as I can. So that way I can get a spray tan brother there. Does anyone remember that movie? I do, but I don’t remember a single scene in it. I just know it’s a movie. I wanna get a spray tan. Do it again. I swear to God. I want to get us. Is that another knot? Panic. I want to get a spray tan before I go overseas, so I’m gonna give my skin. Oh, no, you’re lying. One last chance. Otherwise, a necklace. I’m not wearing it. I wanna get a spray tan before going to America.

God, I’m making zingebergers for dinner tonight. So excited. So I’m gonna go do that. Oh, also follow my backup account if you haven’t already. It’s just Shirley Claudy with an underscore, I think, because in case anything does end up happening to this account, I do have a backup. Biggest cost, it doesn’t, but yeah, peace.