Battling Barbecue: England vs France – Levi’s Wings vs Excel’s Burgers

So what happened when you invite girls in your plan? You get a takeaway. You get a nundry. You cook. Welcome to the latest episode of Three’s Connect with series. We are going to be turning up the heat with all things grinning. Joining me, we have London local Levi Corral and a country mind of mine, Excel DSRC. It’s England versus France. And of course I’m gonna be impartial.

Act was a bit nervous, but.

No. Okay. Do you cook much at all? Yeah, I cook very well because it’s top level, not like England. Oh, is that what you’re doing already? Shall we get this party started, guys? These dishes are going to be judged. It will be the fans themselves as they vote for always the top barbecuing blue. We have two options, wings or burger. I’ll.

Cook rock burger before, so I’ll let you cook him this time.

How do you want to cook your wings? On a bit of spice and then, so have a look over there. A little bit of honey, maybe. Honey. Maybe you have a squeeze of lemon juice to marinate it. What do you think be a good idea to bind a Patty here to bind to make sure that he sticks together? Yeah, just go order. Sure. And just, oh, other. That’s one goal. That’s it. Next time you just go slightly harder, put everything in there. How much more better? Well, just go for it. Always the flow button, what you think would be a good idea. Okay. Okay. What have you done here? Right? Almost little bit of honey, tiny bit or for it. So when you do a barbecues cooking, taste well. Yeah, French, they love to.

Cook. He’s not real French. I could have told you that. He’s fake.

French. No, I’m not in English now. Well, Lucania for 32 years, I should affect French, Amy. Alright, mix this up. Don’t be shy. So that will count the balance, the richness of brown sugar here. You may want to have a look at these spices. Paprika. I’d love to rescue about France versus England this summer. What do you think is gonna happen? I think England, the same things that happen during the last.

Time. No, come on. Of course, it’s not me. Silly. You look, we’re lucky anyway. So.

They have a big rivalry with you guys in the team when you’re thinking about these big tournaments?

No, because these are done by down and even.

Do it cuz you play together. If you are going to play against each other, let’s say in the final, I will kick you. Do you, can you kind of anticipate what you each will do because you know each other so well. We.

Train and play with each other all the time, so we understand things we do. And obviously I’m playing for Chelsea. That helps us. We understand each other. But when we play against each other, we’re try and use it to advantage. Hundred percent.

You’re not making meatballs, you know that you’re making patties. Okay. Alright. I thought you wanted to do some juggling or something like that. All right, Levi, you got to cook these wings now. Let’s get running. You know what I was thinking? Cuz you’re called the blue, right? Yeah, blue cheese shader after one, after the beef will be on. Okay, you know, then the shader can inside the beef, you know, I flip them. You want them to have a nice coloration without burning. Do you know what you should do? What you do that? Yeah, the bun. But a slice them guys, we need to get your garnish. Come on. What do you think? This maybe a bit of avocado. So, Levar, you’ve got to think about how you’re gonna decorate these wings.

I think we should go for maybe like a tropical verb. I slices up.

Are you good to find that 44?

No, but it’s fine.

For everything. Okay, cool. That’s it. Let’s get the pineapple to decorate all around. Kind of tropical, isn’t it? So I’m gonna ask you this while I was playing football and I was a kid, I was pretty bad. I was always in defense. So you mean that.

We are bad now? I think you’re just the most responsible.

Lovely. Okay, that’s good. Shall we try these dishes? Let me give you my opinion. It’s very good answer. How the marinade . I make the best. Yeah, I’m gonna try to do that. Yeah, you know, much good is the consistency and the thickness of your Patty. This is very good. Honestly, I don’t know who’s going to win.

If you had the last. No, before you die with funny pick.

It’s not up to me to pick. It’s up to the fans. And that’s gonna happen at Stanford Bridge. Levi’s wings are the axle burgers. Who do you think should take the crown of the top barbecue out? Thanks for watching the latest episode of threes connect with series.