Cutting Through the Fitness Fads: Simplifying Movement for Maximum Effectiveness

scrolling through the Instagram machine or the TikTok machine occasionally and you’ll see some influencers doing some really wild things trying to essentially reinvent the wheel. Fitness has been a prevalent part of the world for many many years now and sadly at the point we’re at the wheel is never going to reinvent it. When you see people trying to reinvent the wheel what they’re actually kind of doing reducing the effectiveness of the movement they’re performing. Overcomplicating things like I said in a previous video does not make movements better. If anything it probably actually makes them worse. What you need to prioritise is actually learning to differentiate between whether a movement looks like it’s too fun and too exciting to be good and true or whether a movement actually looks like it’s doing what it says on the tip. Basic understanding of biomechanics will tell you does this movement target the muscle it’s meant to target? Yes or no? Dime deep it.