Unboxing and Reviewing My Exciting New House Haul!

I meant to be moving house next week. I’ve got more parcels coming in. The box is going out. So I thought, cuz this is all stuff for me to review, should we open it together and see what’s inside? Should we have a little girl? I’ve got a caveat by this by saying I don’t know what’s in there.

A lot of it’s been sent to me to review. So I’m just opening it. I’m gonna check the quality, check the price, check all of that stuff. So don’t go rush into ask me in the comments where I got it or how much it is or what is that, I don’t know.

We’re just gonna open it together and see what I’ve got. All right, so this is just loads of parcels. I’ve been sent some stuff trundle together. So this is a tick. This is a bag from TikTok. So in here we’ve got, oh, the glass saucepan. Oh my God. You know how much I love my glass sauce?

This is the new glass saucepan. No. Woo hoo. What we got? Knee massages, finis motor. Oh, that is a fan, right? Blue. Okay.

Hopefully some summer stuff. What’s this? Don’t know what’s in there.

Oh, okay. So this is a picture frame that you stick on the wall, but it opens so you can put your kids artwork in it and you can change it, how called it. So there’s a picture frame that you can open and change easily and put your kids artwork in. That is cool. I remember seeing that and that is fabulous, right?

What else do we go? Lord led lights for the new house, for under the counter in the kitchen.

What’s this? It’s like a tougher type of situation. I’ll open that in a bit. This is just one. Oh, my god. Oh, that’s the A4. That’s the A5. That’s the same frame for your kids artwork.

Marvel lawnmower for Otto’s birthday, a bubble garden for Otto’s birthday. This is 100 hundred dollar Bill rug that I thought I’d look real cool and funky cuz you know how quick I am in the new house. So there’s a hundred dollar Bill rug that’s staying and now I’m gonna get that out of the new house. That’s cool, right? That’s one bike to me. What’s in these?

Oh my Lord, this might be bedding. I remember I ordered bedding for the new house. Is it bedding?

It towers. New towels for the guest bedroom. Cuz for the first time in my adult life, I’ve got a guest bedroom. Don’t realize how excited I am. This house is a big enough for a guest bedroom. I have a guest bedroom with an unsuite in my new house. Very exciting. What’s in here?

Oh, that’s the led drawing pad. I remember that. So if you can draw waste fan. We’ve already tried one of these, haven’t we? There’s something in there. Led garden lights for the new garden. I don’t know what is. Oh, that is a slow cooker liner to put you on your slow cooker so you don’t have to clean it out. Top aware, it says Alan Keys. Love it. And then, oh my God, we’re gonna do all of it. Should we just, should we do all of it? See what I’ve ordered?

Led solar torch. Oh, those are the blood, they’re the ones that go in the ground and they flick her like fire. For the new garden. Yes. Solar buddy for auto for holiday. Cuz he’s going on holiday. You put your sun cream in. That’s what I got for Otto. Cuz they’re going on holiday. This first little holiday often here. Fragile. Handle with care. Oh, my. What do you say? Led string lights apparently in there. Nasdawns.

So this is olive. And then one more. I think that’s everything. Men joggers, no shorts. Men shorts. Lovely, right? So you’ll see all of this coming once I’ve got it out and tested it and reviewed it. That was a big haul today. That was a, that’s a lot of stuff. A lot of TikTok products. That’s a lot. And I will say, let me just turn it around. I will say that I know I get a lot of comments on my videos. I get a lot of people commenting and I see a lot. And I s, I go through a lot and I don’t always comment, but I have to say I am incredibly grateful.

Like to come home and to have this much stuff sent to me is just, it really is incredible. It is such a lucky and privileged position to be in that I get to get sent all this stuff, but at the same time that I get to review it and unbox it and give my thoughts and my opinions on it. And then I get to keep it. Some stuff I get sent is absolutely incredible. And I’m so lucky and so privileged. And I never, ever take any of this for granted. I never take any of what I do for granted. I’m so lucky. So, and I mean, 90% of it I give away, 90% I regift to friends or family or people in need or charity or I give it to other creators or send it to other creators for them to be able to review and obviously earn their commission.

But the stuff I do keep, I’m just, I’m blessed and I’m grateful. And every single day that I do this, I never forget how grateful I am. And again, looking at all of this, I think I’m gonna use half of that in the new house, which means I don’t then have to go and buy it. It’s just, it really is incredible. And I am very grateful and humbled every single day. But there we go. So that’s my little, that’s me. A little off hall of stuff that’s coming. If you see anything you like, keep your eyes peeled. Are we making a video and tagging it? And then off we go. And the weather is lovely. Hurrah.