Snickers Biscuit Surprise: A Fun and Delicious Treat Recipe

Alright, so we are going to put all of these down. There’s eight in a package. Alright, so now that you have them like this, you are going to peel them apart very gently so that you can get these tops off. Just like that. See how they open? You just gotta find that seam and pull it up. These are the flaky kind, right? These are the flaky ones, yeah. So pull that off really carefully. Just leave it there to the side? Yeah, just leave it there to the side for now, but find that seam. Okay. Again. And you’re just gonna keep doing this? Yes. Okay, last one. Peel that apart. I’m gonna switch it. That one’s a little thicker. Excellent. And now for my absolute favorite candies, we are going with Snickers bar. You thought I was doing something different? Nope. We are taking these and adding one on each just like so. Press it down. Oh, what? This is a sweet treat, not a savory. Super fun, right? I am super fun. I am so intrigued right now. You didn’t know where I was going with it. I love it. And then that was a six pack, but I opened up two more to make it perfect. There we go. And so as easy as that, just gonna take your tops, put them back on, and then you kind of press them in to seal that chocolate in. Because yes, these are going in the oven. Wow. Right? All right, that one gets its last little bed. And now to really seal the deal, you’re gonna get a fork and just press all around. So you make it, seal it in, otherwise that chocolate’s going to spill out. That looks like a ravioli. Yeah. I love ravioli. Okay, final little seal pocket there. And these are going into the oven at 350 until done. All right, these smell so good. I love it. I cannot wait to get into this. So I am going to take my portion. Thank you very much. You do want to take these off the pan to let them cool so they don’t burn. I’m just gonna give that a second to rest and wait till you see what I do with it. All right, so I’m gonna move this over. I’m not gonna do all of them quite yet, but these are so delicious. So I’m going to take my favorite Hershey’s syrup. Caramel. You just drizzle that on top, back and forth. Excellent. And some Hershey’s syrup, of course. And then I like to go the opposite way of the first drizzle. I don’t know, it just makes it look a little fancier. Do whatever you want. Have fun with it. And then I’ve got some peanuts here, add a little crunch on top. I see what you’re doing. Snickers bar. Snickers biscuit. Snickers biscuit. Let’s get into it. Oh my gosh. This is so good. Oh, I saw it. It’s perfect. Look at that. Look at that. Look at that. Isn’t it cute? It’s amazing. I’m like a professional here. Wow. Mmm. Wow. So good.