Choosing Between Pumps: Why We Opted Out of the Tandemoby

I have gotten so many questions as to why Nathan did not go on the Tandemoby when we just switched pumps. If you’re new here, my name’s Shannon, this is Nathan. I’M A GOOD ONE! Diabetic, and he was diagnosed at 9 and now you’re… 15! Yes. So we’re gonna answer why did we not go with the Tandemoby, don’t yell it out yet, while we make some French toast. First I want to say we have 50 chickens and I have… This is too fucking tall! I can’t with this kid. We have 50 chickens. And three ducks now. We had four, but that’s a story for another TikTok. God rest cheese’s soul. Anyway… 3… 2… I want cheese! We’re never gonna get through this, never. We do miss cheese, and I don’t want to talk about it right now, okay? We have 50 chickens and I have lots of eggs, so I’m gonna make some French toast to put in the freezer. Nathan starts school next week so he can pull it out of the freezer and have breakfast. So I put in it eggs, almond milk, vanilla, a pinch of salt, and I went in with the Sweet Monk Sweetener. You can buy it on Amazon. It is 100% this kid. 100% Monk Fruit Sweetener. It has zero carbs and zero sugar. Get it on Amazon. You can put it in all kinds of things. But we’re doing French toast. While I wait for this kid to get his life… Oh my god, you’re urging me! First of all, why did we not go with the Tandemoby? Well, there’s kind of a long story that goes with it. I’ll try to shorten it. Long time ago, we did a trial. We’ll call it a focus group for the Tandemoby. He was like nine years old on the Tandem T-Slim at the time. They put us in a room. We had to watch a training video. They handed us the Moby and said, here, figure it out. Well, I got paid for it at the time, so I didn’t really care. We figured it out. We rocked it. I take slay! But one thing I did not like about it is all separate pieces. You had to charge a little piece that you wear, and then you had to charge that separate little pump thing at the time. It only held 150 units. This kid heading into puberty needed every bit of, and that plus some. He needed more insulin, and the nine-year-old ADHD kid would have lost all those separate pieces or not charged it. We stayed on the Tandem T-Slim. He got tired of it and wanted to go to the Omnipod. He wanted a tubeless pump, so we did. We went to the Omnipod. Now, when we left Texas and moved here, I was losing my insurance until my new job insurance kicked in. We were up for a new pump, so I ordered the Tandem T-Slim and started the Omnipod at the time. So you know, type 1 diabetics, we get all the supplies that we possibly can because he was going to be without insurance. So I had both options in case there was a problem. But the main reason that we did not go with the Moby is why? Because it goes with Apple. You can only tubeless from your phone with Apple. You cannot with Android. And we do not like Apple. We are in no Apple household. We are an Android family. And there is no plans in the future to incorporate Android into tubelessing. So it will not be 2024. And for the foreseeable future, they don’t even have plans for 2025. So he’d have to still pull out that piece anyway tubeless, so there was no point. And I had the T-Slim. It’s a year old. When that three years is up and you’re up for a new pump, if you choose to, you can go with the Moby. The Moby is the exact same tech as the T-Slim. It’s the exact same algorithm. You just have that little piece with the tubing still. So in my opinion, it’s basically the same thing. You just have to wear that piece just like you’re wearing the pump. Same thing. And you get to use your cool cases from ADC Solutions type 1, which the Moby you would not have. So those are all the reasons that we did not go with the Moby. That was a long five minute video. Basically, you losing your ever-loving mind because your shirt didn’t fit. I hope that answered your question. Any other questions? Let us know. All right. Bye.