Adventures in Hair Styling: An Unconventional Experiment with Lange and Foxy Bay Tools

The lighting is bad in here, I know, but I am gonna try to do my hair. And I figured I’d show y’all. I’ve never done this to my hair before so I don’t know how it’s gonna look. But I’m curious, so… I don’t really know what tools it’s gonna take to get us there, but I’m gonna use Lange, their straightener. Lange. People always correct me. I don’t know which one it is. But anyways, this is their straightener that heats up super fast. I’ve had it since I was like in 7th grade. I stole it from my mom. Luckily she never asked for it back because I would cry because this thing is my baby. It’s so good. It’s the only thing that I can curl my hair with. And the curls last for until I wash my hair. This is what I blow my hair out with, obviously. Uhhh. And it’s the… Foxy Bay. I don’t know. Look, I mean, I don’t know what it is. I got this for Christmas one year and let me tell you. It’s amazing. This thing gets so hot that when I’m doing my underneath, if I have on necklaces, which I do all the time, it burns my neck because it’s so hot. And you might be thinking, Keaton, that’s not a good thing, but yes it is. That means it’s working. I’m gonna put in a little bit of dry shampoo even though my hair’s not oily. I need to get my hair done, but look at my roots. Ah! But, you know, it’ll be okay. Okay, this bad boy heats up to 450 and I know that’s super hot, but it’s what works for me. Okay, I’m gonna split my hair into three sections. This is the first one, obviously. And then I’m going to… Hmm. Oh my gosh, my roots. That’s my natural hair color, everyone. Bad, I know. I don’t really know how this is gonna go, but instead of going out, I’m gonna go out. And we’re gonna see. I’m gonna do that to all of it. Okay, this might be an acquired taste, but I kinda like it. This one might be too much. Who knows? It wants to stay, so that’s what we’re gonna do. Next section. This is so funky. Oh, what was that, guys? Oh my gosh. I’m not sure who else would genuinely want to do this to their hair, but… I don’t even know if it’s gonna be cute. Okay, I’m doing the top. I’m gonna pull it out. This is how my brain thinks this is gonna work. Whatever. I feel like this might be cuter if you had layers, but I don’t. So… Okay, it’s giving… I don’t know, but it’s not horrible. Okay, this is what it looks like. I don’t know. I don’t know if I like it. Not redoing it, so… Um, yeah, we’re just gonna have to stick with it. Maybe if I actually have my hair colored properly? I don’t know. I don’t know. It’s kinda bad.