Skin Structure, Growth, and Nutrition: A Guide for Beauty Professionals

Testing 1, 2, 3, testing 1, 2, 3. Good afternoon all my beauty professionals. Today I want to finish up the skin structure growth and nutrition chapter. Now if you’re still in school and you’re studying out of 2016, you would be coming out of chapter 6 of this video. So you will be coming out of chapter 5 of my skin care guide. That’s all I have for you today. I hope you enjoyed it. If you did, please give me a thumbs up. If you didn’t, please subscribe to my channel. I will see you in the next video. and the most updated version of the ladies that I have which is 20 good afternoon good afternoon all my beauty professionals today I want to finish up the skin chapter 1 law 14 good afternoon all my beauty professionals today I want to finish up the skin chapter which is the skin structure, growth and nutrition chapter now, Now, if you’re studying out of the 2016 Malaides textbook that looks like this, it would be out of chapter seven. And if you’re studying out of the most updated version, which my version is 2022, looks like this, it would be chapter three. So we’re just gonna finish up talking about the glands. We’re gonna talk about the functions of the skin, the melanin of the skin, and what the text recommends for nutrients. To upkeep your skin and keep it healthy. But before we get started, I wanna thank you guys so much for watching my videos. Thank you for your support. God bless you and let’s get started. Yeah. Yeah.