Debating States’ Rights and Constitutionalism: A Family Encounter

So my boyfriend met my biological father for the first time today, you know the one who left me to go work for Mitt Romney and Donald Trump? Yeah, he met that one today. And my father said, yeah, the Civil War was fought over states’ rights. My boyfriend, without missing a beat, looks at my dad and goes, yeah, states’ rights to do what? And my dad was like, well, Abraham Lincoln was breaking the Constitution. And I’m like, dad, if I have to go against the Constitution, and I am a constitutionalist, fun fact, I love the United States Constitution. I knew it by heart by the time I was eight years old because my papa made me learn it. I love the United States Constitution. However, if I have to break a few eggs to make an omelet, that’s perfectly fine by me. If I have to go against the Constitution to protect someone’s human rights and make sure that they’re not a slave, I’m gonna fucking do it. Okay, because there’s some things that just should not be left up to the states. Children’s education. Every child deserves a fair chance of life and deserves an education. That’s flat across the board. Human rights, not up to the states. No, that’s not okay. And civil rights, those are things that need to be federally mandated. And that’s the only thing I believe should be federally mandated. Everything else, leave it up to the states. You run it how you want. Those three things, federal. Because we all deserve the same chance at life. Like, David, what?