Title: Disappointment as Breaking Faces Grand Closing at Olympics: Who’s to Blame?

And in other Olympic news, looks like it’s grand opening, grand closing for breaking at the Olympics. That’s right, Paris 2024 might be all that we’re gonna get, which is such a bummer. This was 30 years in the making. Breaking is such an athletic sport, such a visually appealing competition, and it would have been awesome to have it in LA in 2028. I know exactly who to blame. Because you know in elementary school when the teacher was like, sit down, or you’re not gonna get a snack. Be quiet or no more pizza party. Behave or we’re not going outside for recess. There was always one person, one person who couldn’t act right. Ma’am, you owe me a pizza party. And you know what, you also owe me a snack. And I don’t know why the hell you’re so happy because you owe me some extra time at recess. I mean, what happened? Because there were like 50 guys on the subway line right now going, show time, show time, who could have knocked this out the park? Gone for the gold. No, let me.