Title: Breakdancing at the Olympics: A Controversial Addition

Greg was talking about they’re like they should put a normal person in the Olympics. They did. It’s breakdancing. I don’t know if you guys have seen it, but it’s wild, dude. People looking like Homer Simpson dancing just running around the floor just doing this. The girl from Australia, I think her name is Ray Gunn. Have you guys seen all this? Dude, poor girl. She is gonna, she’s a meme and not in a fun way, you know? She’s not hock to us. She’s just getting made fun of. Like, you’re not capitalizing off that. You’re probably moving to an island is what you’re doing. Insane, dude. I think what’s wild is that everyone’s mad. They’re like, was this the best that this country had? And it was like, yeah, have you been to Australia? I thought, I love the Olympics because it reminds me every year that we actually aren’t the whitest country. I think it’s wild that they did the breakdancing and everyone’s really mad about it because it’s not that good, but also you have to realize they drug test at the Olympics, okay? Those are the only people that pass the drug test, okay? There are probably some way better dancers. You guys remember Jabberwocky from MTV? None of those dudes are pissing clean, alright? We could have gotten gold if we had anyone from Step Up 2, alright?