Funny Reactions to Olympic Breakdancing from an Unimpressed Viewer

A lot of people have asked me to react to the Olympic Australian break dancing. I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t fully understand a lot of the flopping about that she’s doing here. For instance, what the fuck is this? I may not understand it, but I sure as fuck wouldn’t be able to do it. Not without pulling a hamstring or having a panic attack. She is at the fucking Olympics, and I am sat at home. A fat cunt. A lot of people are saying this shouldn’t be in the Olympics, but we need this kind of weird shit in the Olympics. It spices it up. There’s only so many times I can watch people run a slightly different number of metres. It gets boring. And what the fuck are you doing with your life? Criticising somebody in the Olympics? You’re probably only watching this video because you ran out of fucking Candy Crush energy points. You go to put your bins out and within seconds you’re mouth breathing and thinking about ordering a more ergonomic office chair because you’re fucking back arts. So shut up and fucking watch it. Follow me, I’m delicious.