The Rise and Fall of Global Expansion: A Reflection on Keeping it Local

This is like when your favorite takeout spot become a franchise. At first you like, that’s what’s up, they expanding. Then it’s like, actually the sauce ain’t been good since then. You know? When I first heard about the breakdance, I was like, that’s what’s up, come on hip hop, expand, we global, wow. Then I seen it. Mind you, I was watching the other countries, like maybe I don’t know enough about breakdance, but everybody was kind of corny to me, no shade, you know what I’m saying? Or it could be shade, I don’t really care for it. My point is, this is just a reminder, like stuff sometimes, a lot of times, it be better when it’s just local. Like we be kind of hyped to be big and be expansive, and that’s cool too, but then it’s like, we kind of losing the point, you know what I’m saying?