Revisiting Apologies and Appreciation: Understanding the Impact of Judgment and Negativity in the Breakdancing Industry

So you’re probably wondering why I deleted my previous video about Rachel Gunn, aka Ray Gunn, the big girl that represented Australia in breakdancing at the Olympics. I just want to apologize to Rachel firstly for even though she’s probably not going to see this video, I don’t really care but apologies needs to be said for the things that I said because they weren’t very nice. And it’s not my place. It’s absolutely not my place to place judgment. But really, who am I? Who am I to place judgment and to say anything negative about an industry that I’m not even in? Is my opinion validated? I don’t think so. I feel that I’m attacking a human being that didn’t do any harm to anybody, has caused no harm to nobody. She is getting a lot of flak and I don’t think it’s necessary. I also don’t think it’s fair. But anyways, that is my opinion and I 100%, 1000% regret what I said. Also there is a 16 year old boy involved in this and he’s getting tagged along with it. He is the B-boy. He was the B-boy representing Australia. He’s also seeing all this negative and it’s actually gone out of hand. Let’s fix my hair. It would be great to have an interview, somebody interview Rachel to get an understanding where she was coming from. Whatever the reply is, whatever the answer is, it doesn’t really matter. But just to get a better understanding, if she did it for comic relief, fine, let’s laugh along with her. If she was trying to be political, let’s understand what that reason was. Whatever it is, I’m sure that it was in good intentions. So I want to clarify, I think Rachel is amazing. I mean girl can bend her knees, I can’t. She made it to Olympics. I’m still at home in my kitchen cooking. So here’s the thing, right? So many people are like posting their opinions, but it’s all negative. Imagine you being on the receiving end of all that negativity where people are making joke of you. So here’s the thing, right? So many people are like posting their opinions, but it’s all negative. Imagine you being on the receiving end of all that negativity where people are making joke of you. You didn’t do anything harmful. You weren’t harming anybody. You weren’t hurting anyone. You know mainstream media, at first I thought, initially at first I thought they were the cause of all this, but they actually weren’t. It was actually everybody else. Who are we to judge? I mean we’re not judges, we don’t have any experience. We know jack shit about this industry. All these videos that everybody is posting is overshadowing people who are in the industry, people who are actual break dancers. We should be really going to them and getting their opinion. What do they think? Although the people that I’ve seen so far, I’ve seen a handful of people in the industry, in the break dance industry praising Rachel. So why aren’t we praising Rachel? So to Rachel, I am absolutely sorry for what I said. I take it back. I think you’re amazing at what you do and I have seen some previous videos and I’ve seen how people are trying to twist things. But girl, you can dance. We know that. I know that. I’ve seen it. And I think you’re amazing. Wish you all the very best. And yeah.