Title: The Controversial Performance of the Australian Breakdancer at the Olympics: A Critique

Who in their right mind let that Australian lady go out on the biggest stage of Olympic breakdancing and dance like an epileptic squirrel? Because I want to know who approved that because there’s no way they saw her and saw what she did and was like, you know what? She’s got it. She gonna win or something because that was the worst performance I’ve ever seen in my life. And before I get into it, the funny part about this is that ever since, you know, her whole performance, I heard shit from Australia talking about some, oh, the US this, the US that because anything the USA has done is not even close to how bad that performance was. Like I know nothing about breakdancing. Honestly, I don’t even know why it’s an Olympic sport, but I know damn well that wasn’t what it was supposed to look like because that looked like something me and my cousins would do when we were like five or six years old trying to show our parents a new dance we made up. All right. She was just flopping around over there. Just look like a fish out of water. I mean, I genuinely thought she was having some health issues. And like, did y’all see that? I guess like the Australian, I don’t know if it’s their prime minister or something, but they came out and they’re like, oh, the hate and the trolls that, you know, the lady’s getting it’s unacceptable. And like, we don’t support it. Like we don’t know why she’s getting the hate. You really don’t know why she’s getting the hate. You really don’t. And to make matters worse, she has a PhD in breakdancing, right? She took eight to 10 years of education to have a PhD in breakdancing just to make a fool out of herself at the Olympics. And it’s just like, you know what? That’s like me having a PhD and like driving cars and not having my license. Like what are we talking about? What are you doing?