Battling the Breakdance Backlash: The Controversial Case of Ol’ Ray Gun at the Olympics

Alright, so let’s talk about ol’ Ray Gun here. I’m not gonna talk about how shit her breakdancing was. I’m not gonna do like most people on the internet are doing and just shitting all over her. Even if that fucking kangaroo slash velociraptor pose is just ridiculous. See, this is a perfect example of why education never beats experience. This is why argument from authority is the dumbest thing in the world. Because this woman has a PhD in breakdancing. She’s literally a college professor that teaches the culture of breakdancing. But she can’t fucking breakdance. This woman literally did three different routines and received a total of zero points. Three dances, zero points. Let me just tell you right now that when that lady came out and said, this is the best breakdance Australia has on the female side, bull shit. Because they had qualifying matches and we can go back and watch the qualifying matches and she sure as fuck wasn’t the best one. So the question is, did she get put in that position because she has a degree in breakdancing or does she have a connection to the Australian government? Does she have connections that got her her spot at the Olympics? Because her breakdancing did not get her her spot. But regardless of the reasons why she was there, Australia do me a favor and shut the fuck up about the Olympics. Because I think it would be better if not a single American were able to get a medal rather than have her represent us. Who made this velociraptor shaped bed? Fucking lay in it.