The Australian Breakdancer: Striving for Excellence on the World Stage

Let’s talk about the Australian breakdancer. And let’s leave aside a couple of really clear cut things. Firstly, is breakdancing a sport? Well, France decided it was, where breakdancing is huge. And if they wanna bring a sport to the Olympics, it’s not a matter for me to determine whether it is or it isn’t. They say it is, it’s now in the Olympics. And secondly, I’ve seen some horrific attacks, like based on what this person was wearing and their gender. Let’s put that aside. They don’t get a say in what they wear, presumably. And secondly, like why are you attacking people based on gender? Not cool, not necessary, not nice. But I think we really need to acknowledge one thing, which is the dancing was just bad. Like I’m not a dancer, but it wasn’t smooth, it wasn’t beautiful, it didn’t flow like you’d expect. Just wasn’t good. And I think that the score reflects the fact that it just wasn’t good. And so the question becomes, is this really the best person to represent us? Because I walk through Sydney on a lot of nights and I see the most amazing young people, like outside of the front of buildings, like looking at themselves, doing moves in perfect synchronicity, doing the most amazing break dancing you can imagine. And I really struggle to think that this representative was the best person for us. Maybe they were the best qualified to navigate the process, but really were they the best? And that’s not an attack on them as a person. It’s just the Olympics is a privilege. And it really makes me think that maybe there was someone who would have been better suited to this seat. Follow me for more legal TikTok.