Unveiling the Potential of Conducts in the Digital Economy: A Gateway to Nvidia’s Inception Program and the Future of GPU Technology

Here’s a potential hidden gem that could help you get out of the rat race. It’s called conducts, currently trading for just a little under ¢5. And this is a web 3 design lab, 3D asset security, open USD plus blockchain kind of project. And the reason that I’m sharing this with you guys is because conducts is part of Nvidia’s Inception program.

If you don’t know what Nvidia is, the leading tech company in the world. They make the fastest computer chips in the world. In fact, they’re making them so fast and so efficient that they have actually defied Moore’s Law. Now, Moore’s Law is this law that’s been in place for decades and decades. All these tech people and yeah, technology gurus have all gone by. They’ve made all these project projections and predictions based on Moore’s Law. And Moore’s Law is basically the doubling of processing power every 18 months. It’s also the doubling in terms of how small the computer chips get, and it’s also the doubling and how powerful they get every 18 months. Nvidia just blew past that and the law is no longer relevant.

What is Nvidia Inception Program? The Nvidia Inception Program is a global network of startups working to revolutionize their industries through technologies like AI and data science. The program provides members with access to cutting edge technology, as well as support and opportunities to increase business growth and visibility. The program is designed to nurture dedicated and exceptional startups, who are pushing the boundaries of innovation in AI and data science. It offers a range of benefits, including access to Nvidia’s cutting edge technology, including GPUs and software tools, expertise and guidance from Nvidia’s team of experts, opportunities to connect with venture capitalist and other investors. Co marketing support to increase visibility and credibility, access to a global network of startups and innovators.

Now g, that acronym right there, GPU, that sense for graphics processing units. Those are also the processor chips that Nvidia is making. They’re the number 1 company in the world. They make the best, fastest, most efficient ships in the world. And nothing really works on the internet anymore without GPU is like the gas or the fuel that is powering the internet, especially with all this artificial intelligent stuff that is coming online and especially with all the blockchain technology stuff that is coming online. Because the blockchains and the decentralized finance technology, minting an NFT, sending or receiving a transaction, swapping a transaction on a decentralized exchange, all of those transactions require GPU to confirm and facilitate. So none of that stuff will work without GPU.

Now when you get into the AI stuff, every time someone uses an artificial intelligence app that like renders an AI photo of you or renders an AI video of you, or even when you type a question into ChatGPT. That information requests the that the rendering of those files, the rendering of those images, they require GPU. Without GPU, the entire internet just kind of comes to a halt. So that’s why I’m focused on this stuff is because this is like the future of our fintech. It’s the future of our applications. It’s the future of video gaming, it’s the future of basically all the digital information actually functioning and communicating with each other. It all relies on GPU and it’s all being, you know, it’s all being facilitated by these computer chips that Nvidia is creating and whoever has access to Nvidia’s computer chips has a massive advantage in the economy now, the digital economy.

So that’s why I’m sharing this blockchain project called conducts. I think it has a lot of potential. Now, it’s very small right now. Not very many people even know this project exists. It’s only listed on one exchange that I know of, which is unasap, which is decentralized exchange for Ethereum. So if you already have some Ethereum in your meta mask wallet, you can, you should be able to swap it for context very easily. Once it gets listed on more exchanges, it’ll have more volume.

I do expect this price to increase. I cannot guarantee that. It is just my opinion, not financial advice. Cryptocurrency is high risk and the whole market could go to zero and you could lose all your money. But I just personally have an opinion that this technology is the future. It’s the future of video gaming, it’s the future of fintech, it’s the future of how we send and receive information, and it’s the future of how a lot of our applications are going to run. I believe that a lot of our applications, both software applications and also physical infrastructure network applications, are all going to be running on blockchains and utilizing cryptocurrencies.

If you need help learning about this kind of technology and you want to learn how to trade and build your wealth in perpetuity, click the link in my bio and then click on the free Cryptocurrency Trading course. This will teach you the basics, the fundamentals about how the exchanges work, how the charts work, how to read the charts and some information about the different wallets so that you can learn how to store cryptocurrency in the safest way possible.

Now, like I said before, nothing is guaranteed. There’s no such thing as 100% safe. There is always going to be a risk involved in this technology, especially if you start trading and investing. That’s why none of my videos should be taken as financial advice or investment advice. These are just my opinions, cannot guarantee you a profit, but I can teach you about the technology and how it works. So that way you can make your own educated decision.