The Misleading Marketing of ‘It Ends with Us’: Unveiling the Truth Behind the Romance Facade

you are planning to go see It Ends with Us, I urge you to please really look into what it’s actually about before you go see it. It is being marketed as this romance movie, as this rom-com, as this like really cutesy little story. It’s not. I don’t read Colleen Hoover. It’s not my genre, it’s not the style that I enjoy, but I do know what the book is about because I’m in like the book talk Trigger warning. This is a movie about domestic violence and the way it’s being marketed is not reflective of that at all. So if you go see that movie not knowing that you’re gonna be completely blindsided. So if you didn’t know that, now you do and you can make an informed decision on whether or not it’s a movie that you want to go see. I am appalled at the way this movie has been marketed given the content that’s in the movie. I’m appalled and disgusted but simultaneously and unfortunately really not surprised. It’s all been very unsettling to say the least.