Review of ‘It Ends With Us’ Movie Adaptation: A Book Lover’s Disappointment

I love the book, don’t love the movie. So my husband took me to go see this movie last night. I am so in love with the book. It made me cry so many different times. And I’m not a big crier. I made a review video last night, but it was too late and too quiet here that I feel like I couldn’t yell when I wanted to yell. The one thing that I just couldn’t feel connected with is Blake Lively saying, I don’t feel like that was a good fit. I feel like Dakota Johnson would have been a great fit. I also don’t feel like a lot of the actor selections for these characters were the best fit. But I’m not a movie reviewer professional, so whatever. But that’s just my opinion. I didn’t feel the connection with Blake Lively and Lilly. Also, her acting confused me. There were times where I’m like, is this funny? In the book, it wasn’t funny, but the hospital scene, the people in the theater were laughing, and I’m like, this is not supposed to be a funny moment. But with her, I’m also like, is this funny? Are you serious? Are you sad? There were times where I just didn’t understand. My emotions, I just could not get connected with the movie. I feel like the relationship between Lilly and her mom should have been dove into a little more because it’s deeper in the book. Obviously, a book and a movie is not going to be this perfect, except for Harry Potter. Ryle’s abuse didn’t get too deep into that, and that’s like, that is the big part of this book. It wasn’t as deep as it is in the book, and it just should have been. The journal entries weren’t in there. When he found her journal entries and he read them in the book, that was not in the movie? Come on! The whole time, I felt like I was waiting for something to happen, and nothing happened. The whole time I was watching the movie, I was like, this is going to happen, that’s going to happen, and it didn’t happen. So by the time the movie was over, I was like, what did I just watch? But I’m going to answer a little my rating, my review over it that I did keep from last night and my husband’s thoughts or his ratings on it. But I am upset, and I want to be so excited for it starts with us. I finished that, but I’m not, because I just can’t connect with Blake Lively playing the character of Lilly. Also, I don’t feel like any of the characters, like Blake Lively, or okay, Lilly and Ryle in the movie, there was no connection. Lilly and Atlas, there might have been a slight one, but there was no connection. You know how those movies, there’s connections between those characters, and you actually want them to be together in real life because it’s so strong? Did not feel that at all. Here’s the little rating. My overall rating for it ends with us is I’ll give it a 3 out of a 10. What? What? Disagree. The book was that good. You liked it, babe? I didn’t read the book. No, exactly, but that’s perfect. You didn’t read the book. So what do you, what would you rate the movie? As a movie all by itself? Yes. I’d give it like a 7 and a half, 8. This book made me cry. I’m just going to act like I didn’t see that movie.