Title: Unfair Judgement in Gymnastics: The Controversy Surrounding Jordan Childs’s Bronze Medal Stripping

Jordan Childs has been stripped of her bronze medal because of a minute and four seconds violation that apparently has been called out by Romania I believe. Let’s talk about this. So first of all what it boils down to is Jordan went last and based on her performance scoring then she would determine like whether she would qualify for a medal or whether she would have like placed fourth or fifth right? However let’s keep in mind that when these gymnasts are scored they’re scored on execution and they’re also scored on difficulty. Well upon completion initially Jordan would have been placed in fifth however the US then challenged it because they felt like her difficulty was not scored appropriately. Now the difficulty is not necessarily considered based on based on how well it was executed it’s about pretty much how she planned out her routine or her choreography or her set of however you want to call it and so with that in mind difficulty is difficulty regardless of how well she executed or not. There are also like deductions that I think they categorize as like penalties for a variety of things like they know what those things are I’m not a gymnast I don’t know and I’m about to get into that. However they underscored or they gave less value to her difficulty the US challenged it and then she was her score was updated and then she then qualified for the bronze and Romania was no longer in the bronze category. The problem with that is that Romania came back several days later and said hey since Jordan went last she only had like a minute to appeal all of the other participants had several minutes because they have I guess right before the next participant starts. Romania said that the appeal was received in one minute and four seconds and so that’s why it shouldn’t even be considered and that apparently is the technicality that stripped Jordan Childs of her bronze medal. Is this not insane? In addition to that you have a lot of people that are going after Jordan making it seem as if it’s Jordan’s fault like Jordan did something wrong and I think this is a prime example of how judges and referees alike really need to like be held accountable for their poor participation in these processes because it’s the Olympics right now but we know college football and professional football is about to start in a little while even basketball it happens there too these referees will call plays or will call penalties or won’t call penalties and they literally can make a break a game potentially of course we never really know either way but I’m just saying at one point on these people held accountable for their actions too because now you’re talking about a top athlete a top gymnast that literally has to leave social media and to me even if she didn’t win the fact that she participated and represented our country in the Olympics is still a big deal and she should not be chest-tied she should not be degraded she should not be torn down because of the outcome that’s insane