USA Gymnastics Presents Evidence and Requests Score Adjustment: A Positive Turn for Jordan

USA Gymnastics just brought out the receipts. USA Gymnastics just posted a statement on Instagram that says that they actually filed the inquiry within 47 seconds of the score being posted. Now this would be within that one minute time period that Jordan and her coach had to file the inquiry. According to the statement, USA Gymnastics filed a letter and video evidence today that Cecile Landy, Jordan’s coach, had requested to file an inquiry within 47 seconds. So within that one minute period. According to the statement, she also followed up with a second statement at 55 seconds that they were intending to file an inquiry. It’s unclear to me if this intention to file an inquiry within the one minute is sufficient enough, but it does sound like USA Gymnastics is coming out with cold hard evidence. Also in their statement, they’re requesting that Jordan’s score be returned to the 13,766 and that she gets the bronze medal score. We’ll see what happens. This feels like a really positive turn on this whole situation for Jordan. I’m feeling very optimistic.