Title: Olympic Plot Twist: Fighting for Fairness and Victory

Okay, y’all, we got another plot twist. I’m so happy. This makes me smile again. See, first I was happy, then I was sad, then now I’m happy again because the US, they like, we’re not going out like that. We’re not just going to let them snatch my girl metal without putting up a fight. So they went back and they looked for more evidence and they found the evidence, y’all. They submitted proof, not just proof, but video footage showing that the inquiry was submitted at 47 seconds. Then the coach turned around and did the second one at 55 seconds. Evidently, something wasn’t right on the first one. This first one was at 47 seconds. The second one was at 55 seconds. So this whole 104 bull crap that they done pulled out their butts to snatch this girl. Nope, not going to do it because we got video footage. It has been submitted. Now we just waiting on them to say, don’t worry about it, baby. You can keep your metal. Yes. So the only thing the Olympic committee should be calling Miss Childs about is to issue her an apology. And thank you.