Bronze Medal Drama: USA vs Romania – A Successful Story of Paperwork and Castles

Okay, okay, so the US is playing hardball they push the paperwork back at you back at you we have the proper receipts Okay within 47 seconds, which was within the time We told y’all y’all made some mistakes. Y’all missed a couple things. Okay, keep the bronzing and USA Okay Romania got enough bronze there. Anyway, yeah, I like to build castles and whatever y’all Do so This sounds good, this is promising everybody’s excited look at that 9.1 million views Jordan everything’s gonna be alright, baby. Okay. Your name is Jordan for a reason So, um That’s right Okay Y’all I’m gonna take the bronze for my girl Okay, she earned it she flipped her way to a bronze and we’re Keeping it in the US. So I don’t know how long it’s gonna take to read through this paperwork, but we got time Cuz brons is already here we’re not shipping it back. Okay, the brons is not hostage is at home