Questioning Judgement: The Devastating Impact of Medal Reversals on Athlete’s Mental Health

reversing and taking back the bronze medal has nothing to do with how Jordan performed. Do I have that right? Yeah that’s correct. Look the judges are human and human we all make mistakes but what’s so devastating is this is the biggest moment of their lives. These gymnasts have worked so hard and you’re correct the judges did make a mistake they put the inquiry in the judges accepted it which means that they felt that it was under that minute. As an athlete we trust the process we trust that the rules are in place that there’s been a lot of thought behind it in that the rules are there to be fair and I think there just needs to be a lot more transparency and going forward we need to understand how this is happening and how to ensure this doesn’t happen again it’s appalling but I think that the organizations that are in charge of this need to really look at the athletes mental health and how much this is affecting them and how cruel it is to take a medal away from someone it’s just like unfathomable to me.