Building Wealth: The Mindset of Living Below Your Means and Delaying Gratification

Tell me if this is girl math or regular logic, but if I have $7,000 in my saving account and my checking account says I have $200, I only have $200. And if that checking account goes down to $20, my checking account can go to 24 cents. I only have 24 cents. That $7,000 is not my money. That’s future me’s money. And she would f*** me up if I touched her money. Okay. So if I got $7,000 in my bank account and you decide that you wanted to ask me for some money, babe, I don’t have the money. I genuinely do not have that money. Like I mean that to the bottom of my heart. Yeah. So this was the same mindset I had back when I was a public school teacher. I taught myself to never touch any of my money in my high yield savings or my brokerage accounts because the big factors that made me a millionaire was to live below my means, invest, and to delay gratification. Follow me and I’ll talk about actionable steps that will help you grow your net worth.