Trusting God’s Plan: Finding Love and Purpose in Life Through Ruth’s Journey

You ever hear Ruth being worried about finding the right person What does Ruth do she goes about living her life Committed and matched to God May I submit for your consideration that if you match your life with God’s life that if he intends for there to be a match a Romantic match for you in your journey of life. He will bring them to you He will put them in your path. I don’t know who I’m talking to right now, but some of you have gotten a little What’s the word almost like you’re losing hope over God’s plan for your life? You got to know the same way that Ruth all she had to do was get on the path and God had everyone and everything She needed you got to know that God is working behind the scenes to set you up right now To match you with the life that he’s promised you but you have to make the decision God I am going to commit to you