Making Spaces Better: The Importance of Leaving a Positive Impact

There are some people who go into spaces and they make it better. They make those spaces better. And I’m the sort of person who when I go into an environment, I want to leave it better than I found it. And I think people who are like me are really important for this society. That our focus is, if something’s a mess, I don’t want to just act like I don’t see the mess. I want to make it better. I want to clean it up. Now here’s the other side of that. Is there people, once they recognize that in you, that quality in you, they’ll purposely leave the mess because they’re like, oh, this person is going to come clean it up. This person is going to do it. So you also want to go in spaces where people appreciate someone like you and they’re not looking to take advantage of someone like you.