Finding Balance Amidst Wellness Confusion: Navigating the Maze of Conflicting Advice

I think when it comes to your wellness journey, you have to be careful not to lose the plot. Every single day we are presented with new information about things we thought were healthy, things we thought were helpful to our bodies, being harmful. There’s a lot of conflicting information and a lot of it makes it rather restrictive and a little daunting when it comes to just picking a routine that works. You hear conflicting information about what temperature to drink your water at, what material your cutting board should be, whether or not taking protein supplements or different vitamins actually are helpful or get absorbed by your body. You have to make sure when you’re taking this information in that it doesn’t paralyze you and make you so stuck that you feel like, well, I can’t do anything right so I might as well not do anything at all. When it comes to water, there may be someone that says, oh, it’s better for you, lukewarm, but if you know drinking at lukewarm is going to make you drink only 30 ounces instead of 60 ounces, don’t do it. Do what works for you.