Transforming Lives: Client Testimonials of Health and Fitness Journey with C-Ray

People keep asking me, what does it actually look like to transform your health? I’m going to shut up and let my clients do the talking. Hi everyone, my name’s Andrea. I’ve been working with Calum for about four months now, and I’ve lost over 30 pounds. It’s done a lot for me physically, but also mentally. I have so much more confidence to carry myself differently. So within three weeks of me working with C-Ray, thankfully I was able to finally unlock my first muscle up with perfect form. It’s critiquing, but it’s constructive and supportive. Training with him is definitely well worth it. There wasn’t a day where I didn’t learn something new, and there wasn’t a week where I didn’t see progress. I couldn’t thank him enough. And I have to say it’s been an amazing experience so far. So I’m doing things that I literally thought were impossible just three months ago. So yeah, I highly recommend C-Ray. Truly, he has been a diamond in my fitness journey, and I’m fortunate to have him as my go-to guy. He supported me all the time, especially mentally, so that I stay accountable and keep working on my goals. The progress I’ve made is just crazy. Like, having actually listened to you, I think that is the best decision I ever made. You know, the exercises, even having the calls with you, you know, getting the feedback. Yeah, I’m happy with the progress so far. I think I’m getting better, like I’m really needing your help. If you want to improve yourself and become the best version of yourself and be as healthy as possible, I would definitely recommend it. C-Ray, thank you so much for the opportunity.