Praying for Understanding: A Christian’s Message to Palestinian Protesters

Christian man praise in front of Palestinian protesters. To find Jesus.

Patient, free Palestine, free palace, high, free believing revolution.

Oh, guau.

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Why did you do that? Why? Because I believe we can’t beat these people. We can’t beat these people through violence. We can’t. What we’re trying to do is trying to protect England, protect our identity. And when you’re trying to combine an Islamic faith, I believe, with the British culture, it comes with its regulations. But rather than trying to fight that with violence, rather than trying to, with endless battles and conflict and division, I believe the only way we can fight that is through Jesus Christ. And I believe he is not just a prophet, but I believe he is god in human form. And he came there, came to earth and died for our sins. And I believe he’s the only man who can save us. I should say god is the only entity that can save us. And these individuals, they can be very violent. These individuals, they could be very harmful.

Lawless. We’ve seen violence come from these demonstrations, but we’ve not seen violence come from many Christians in the present. Yeah, you can talk about the Crusades, you can talk about these issues. I understand. But when you follow Christ to the letter, when you try and act as Christ acts, then you will live a prosperous and positive life. And I think that is what these individuals may be lack. But yeah, what are you praying for? What exactly are you praying for? I was praying that God would help them. I was praying that God would bring them likes and bring them understanding that by me doing that, it’s not a case of me saying I hate your, I want this out of my country. It’s about saying that I love you. I want Jesus to love you, but more importantly, I want you to have understanding, because I see a lot of aggression, I see a lot of negativity. And once we all can suffer with issues regarding upset and pain, it’s not good to output that into the world. And as someone who struggles with a lot of negativity, who struggles with always looking at the positive side.

I don’t believe Alo is the answer to positive. So that’s why I was praying about. I want them to come forward with humility and try and understand that people like myself aren’t coming forward with regression. We’re not trying to force amount of our country, but instead we just want them to try and understand that positivity, niceness and a lack of division and better communication with the British public is what’s needed. Allow them to know that through living god, allow them to know the peace that you feel from the true living god. I will express them myself now, Christian. And God is truly blessed with all that. People honestly be surprised with you out. Of course I can’t. Bless you so much.