Embracing the Little Things: Finding Love and Gratitude in Everyday Moments

I’ve had to remind myself over the last several years to not dwell on the things that don’t matter, the things I can’t control, and to focus on what does matter, who and what does matter, and what I can control. And especially over the last couple of weeks, I’ve had to let go of the things that have hurt me or bothered me, and focus on the good that has presented itself to me and my family in the midst of remembering Erin and her anniversary. God has revealed to me very clearly the who’s and the what’s that matter, and continues to show me how to deal with that, focusing on what we can’t control, focusing on who or what doesn’t matter, doesn’t change anything. What we can do is do the work on ourselves and put in the love and time and effort into what serves us and to who loves us. And those who love us will show us in these small ways, these acts of love and service and kindness that I’ve been so grateful for. The big things matter, of course, the big things count, but it’s the little things, it’s the little things that add up and show love. It’s those little acts of service that show great love, and it doesn’t take much, it really doesn’t. I feel like sometimes I fall short because I wanna make sure that I’m doing what I’m supposed to do for those I love and who love me, and that’s been proven to me very clearly in the last week. Erin’s anniversary, August is the hardest time of year for us, but in the last couple of years, God has removed people from our life that didn’t need to be there anymore, but he has replaced those people with these just, it’s always quality over quantity, and I’m so grateful for the few that he has either left or put in our lives to show us that we’re loved and that we’re not alone, that we don’t have to heal by ourselves. And I often wonder how worthy I am of that, because the little things that get done, that come our way are these great acts of service and love that I am just so grateful for. I am so grateful for my time and my platform, no matter what it looks like. It has brought me great heartache and lessons, but it’s also brought me great joy and great love and sharing with people what’s most important, being present with people, sharing in their joy and their grief, and helped me to remain in gratitude, and I am grateful. I hope you all have a restful Sunday and a great start to your week.