Goose, Superman, and Iceberg: A Hockey Adventure

Apple bottom G! Boots with the fur, with the fur! Hey Goose, I’m ready! Highlight! Highlight Rio, it’s coming! It’s coming! I’m gonna touch A some 5 minutes. Big Superman guy? Oh, I love Superman. He’s my idol. Goose! Five-Full Iceberg! Oh! It runs your dad! Oh! Goose is looking for it! Oh, we’re gonna get a little pee-pee time. Hey, can we get a little pee-pee time? I got the ice. Get that in! It’s time, Josh. It’s time. I wanna see off the glass. Oh, shit! Hey! One more shift with the skullie. That’s going on. No! No! No! Hey! Who stopped that? It’s in! It’s in! It’s in! Back! Upside! I wanna see a devious chip from you, okay? Like the most devious chip of your life. You see that? That’s a good example of what not to do. Try 4K magic! You wanna say something to the mic? Mic me up next, please. Hey! Get back here! I knew there was a whistle coming. I knew it was coming.