The Prophetic Messages: Living a Holy Life and Navigating Times of Chaos with Faith

all the songs you sing is a message to the man. So understand it. Am I talking to somebody? This is how you live a holy life. It’s not about being self-righteous. You set standards for yourself. And when people come around you, they must align with that standard. And you see God will do in your life. And I speak unto some men, you must be heavenly conscious. The ends of the world is upon us. We’re in the consummation of time and the end is here. There’s something coming. I told you I prophesied this years ago. That is going to make the pandemic look like a play play. You haven’t seen anything yet. But you must protect yourself in a place of prayer. And you know, I saw a vision where I saw people dying. There were so many people. It was almost like you just cough and you die. Millions of people I saw in the dream. I even saw like a like a civil war in New York City. It was so scary. I was in the vision. Now you see, God will show us things that is coming. I remember years ago, I was prophesying in 2017. I was preaching a word and in the message I said, and time is coming. There will be no food in the grocery store. The sales will be empty. I prophesied all the things by the grace of God that was coming. And we saw what happened with the food shortage and everything. And I said time is coming. I said time is coming. They are going to be coming to the church and they are going to be seeking answers from us. Because they are going to be wondering how you are making it. And you are listening to me. You are going to walk over to your refrigerator. You are going to lay hands on your refrigerator. You are going to say I command you. Give us this day our daily bread. You are going to open up the fridge. You are going to see a mutual. Some peanut soup. Some jerk chicken. I’m not talking to somebody. Come on. You have to have faith as you walk with God. Because God will cause you to prosper in the midst of a family. Why? Because you carry the Holy Spirit. And if you carry the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit can give you a strange instruction. While everybody is dying in the midst of the calamity, you and your family will be standing. I’m not talking to somebody in this place. And I release over everybody in this place. Whatever that you’ve been praying for. Whatever that you’ve been seeking. I should put this practice in place. Everyone that seek God in this season, I see answers coming to your family. I see answers coming to your family.