Distinguishing Between Service Animals and Emotional Support Animals: The Paperwork and Legalities Explained

EMA asks, is there some kind of paperwork that proves that it is a service animal compared to an emotional support animal? Well, that answer is yes, but no. The yes answer to this is, well, basically, if you need a service animal, you probably have medical documents showing that you need a service animal because you have a disability that requires a service animal. But no company, no housing, no individual can ask you to see that paperwork because that would violate various HIPAA laws. They only get to ask two questions and two questions only. Is that a service animal slash working animal? And what duties does the animal perform? And a quick fun fact, no, they can’t ask you for a demonstration of what that service animal provides you. The no aspect to this is there is no special paperwork or certificate to show that this is a service animal as there is no database to show which handler has which service animal. However, when it comes to an emotional support animal, yes, an apartment or a landlord can ask you to get a doctor’s note to sign off saying that you need an emotional support animal because once again, emotional support animals are not covered by the ADA.