Discussion on Stolen Valor and Military Service: An Opinion on Tim Walls

Let’s talk about Tim Walls. Number one, I don’t hate the guy. Number two, I didn’t make anything political. Number three, no matter what his record was, I was never going to vote for Kamala Harris. And I could admit that. All this stuff is just about military. It’s just not cool when a veteran comes out and says they did something that they didn’t do. And then it looks like it’s stolen valor because he’s using that for his political and financial gain. I think it’s weird people say stupid stuff, they don’t know what they’re talking about. But I would say he was guilty of stolen valor. For the liberals arguing the point, I don’t think you would change your vote to Trump. So it’s like you don’t have to argue the fact that he is lying. He’s not a command sergeant major. And I don’t know how many times I have to say that that’s OK. Being a master sergeant is amazing. Doing something the vast majority of the country doesn’t do, which is serve their country, is amazing. It just doesn’t make any sense when you say you carried weapons into war when you didn’t. You’re a command sergeant major when you’re not. It’s not splitting hairs, it’s not like it’s a technicality. You shouldn’t be going around saying stuff like that. And that’s just my opinion. It’s not the end of the world. Like I said, I was never going to vote for Harris. But it’s also not political. And I’m not disparaging Tim’s career. Accountability is different than putting shame on somebody and disparaging them. So if I explain what a reservist is, I’m not talking bad about reservists. I’m saying this is what they do and this is how it works. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Now if I was going to make it political, I’d talk about tampons in the boys’ room. But I didn’t do that. What do you think? Drop a comment.