Sunshine and Citrus: A Vibrant Italian Extravaganza for 30

me as we get ready through the day to welcome 30 people into an Italian extravaganza. We’re setting the table for 30 people. We’re deciding on a yellow theme. We’ll probably bring in a lot of lemons and limes to decorate the table. Presently having a little malfunction on the fountain, so we’re trying to get that fixed. Getting this area ready for apparels and appetizers. Here’s some custom place cards. We ended up using a different mix of textures of chargers, and we ended up using different colored tea towels. And we just picked up a bunch of flowers from the garden to make it look really natural out here. And then we threw lemon and limes on the table, threw in some greenery, and then a huge variety of crystal glasses. We’re getting the heaters out just in case it gets chilly tonight. We’ll put some Italian music on, have the fountain running, and it’ll feel like we’re in Italy. And we add some music. The guests are here. And we’re almost ready for dinner.