Rediscovering My Steve Perry Memory: A Journey of 40 Years

As I’m sitting here baking and looking in the camera, I realize there’s this picture over here in the background. Funny side note, this is Steve Perry from the video Faithfully, that apparently when I was a much younger girl, I’m going to say junior high, I took a picture of the TV when the video was on. And not only did I actually print them, I had three copies of these that I just recently found. I went through an old bag that came from my childhood home’s attic. You know, when you move out and your parents pack everything up and throw it in the attic, these were with my memories. So hilarious. My mother’s no longer with us, so I can’t even call her and go, you saved my Steve Perry pictures. But 40 years later, I just found this. And it brought me so much joy. I have it hanging up in my kitchen. I was, and still am, obsessed with Steve Perry in junior high and high school and obsessed with Journey, of course. Still a huge, huge Steve Perry fan. So wanted to marry him then. Steve Perry, I want to marry you and I’m an appropriate age. So anyways, here’s my Steve Perry picture hanging up in my kitchen. And I think I was being very artsy and I printed it in black and white, which makes the story even funnier. I wanted him in black and white and I had three copies. That’s love, baby. That’s love and dedication. 40 years later.