Unleashing the Power Within: Embracing and Embodying Your Sexual Energy

sexual energy is something that has so much stigma, messages, all this stuff around it in our society. It is the most under-explored in a healthy way thing that we have. If you experience shame or repression around your sexual energy, if you feel like you don’t have the healthiest relationship with your sexual energy, so valid. It is very understandable when we look at our society. Like, there are so many reasons why you have the relationship that you have with your sexual energy that you do. Like, that’s validated AF. Let’s shift the experience of it. Let’s explore more of it. Let’s see where that leads us because we need to be connected with it. I mean, you don’t have to be if you don’t want to be, but your sexual energy is incredibly important to be the creative and free, expressive person that you want to be.