The Struggle of Finding Time to Read: A Journey of Frustration and Overlapping Priorities

I’m so mad. Why are you mad at me? Because I don’t have any time to read anymore. Ever since I started the job back again, everybody’s like, how do you finish Kingdom of Asher? Are you finished Kingdom of Asher? I haven’t finished Kingdom of Asher. I’m too busy, like in my own Kingdom of Asher, it’s called Kingdom of Public School in America. And every single time that I think that maybe, maybe this is the time to return, I’ve got another thing I need to do, or it was something that I could have done in the summer, but I put off. I have no time. And then I get home and I just wanna go to sleep. I wanna go to bed. I haven’t snored in like three weeks because I’m finally going to sleep, but I don’t have any energy and I don’t have any wants to do it. And it’s so sad that I even got my mother into reading and now I’m just fake about this whole thing. And all I wanna do is read, but instead, I need to finish my lesson plans. And I haven’t finished my lesson plans. And I made sure they were color code and they were cute, but I don’t have any time to do anything because this is what it is. This is what it is.