Miraculous Healing and Restoration: A One-on-One Encounter with God and Jesus

ze Lord and Jesus will heal you. I reviewrog bothering reduction with me and God I trust that you will build my blueprint. This is for someone. God I trust that you will give me the miracle I am praying for. God I believe in your word. God I believe that my family will be healed at this table because it’s me and you. God I know the promises that you have for me. God I am secure in who I am. I’m not going to fit at any table. God is here. And because he’s here he gets to manifest the blessings in your life. God is so good you are not by yourself. Thank you. He will give you at that table the secrets to heaven. He will give you the miracle of restoring your relationships at that table. He cannot do it at a table that is filled with many. God can’t work like that with you because for some of us we need to be one on one. For some of us God just needs to deal with us alone. You are set apart for this season for this time. It’s between you and it’s between Jesus.