Enviagra: A Hilarious Encounter with a Friend’s Experience

You have to take Enviagra, you have to fill out a form. I thought that would give you a boner and all. You look like a f***ing admin. A friend of mine took it and I said, look, I’ll have a go. I don’t need it, right? I did it just to give you a bit more of an atmosphere. Yeah, bit more of an atmosphere. But were you going to have sex or were you just day to day? Oh yeah. You only take half of one and you got to give yourself about 20 minutes. And then you got to do the foreplay. So you got to be looking at them and… But don’t look at me. Oh my God, by the way. Is that foreplay for you guys? Willie, Willie, the most intense foreplay of all time. Sit over there. See an erection. Yeah. Like the good King Wenceslas, when it’s up, it’s up. But when it’s up, super hard. It already is. No, but it gives you a vision of hope that this isn’t going anywhere. You might have taken an E. Take my Enviagra, it’s like a chainsaw. Let’s go. Highly recommend, five stars.