DIY Hair Removal Adventures: My Sweet & Sticky Fail with Sugar Wax on TikTok

Okay, so you got all of this stuff on TikTok and everybody on TikTok is a genius. Okay, let’s not forget that. Okay. Anyway, I tried the sugar wax thing, you know, to like get rid of hair. I have cooked the wax three different times. I followed instructions. I think I know how to follow instructions. I mean, I’m only 48. You know what I’m saying? Been cooking for years. Anywho, I talked to a friend of mine who did it and she was like, oh, it’s easy. And then she said to me something I don’t get. I don’t make no sense of me. She said your wax might not be sticky enough. Anywho, I done ripped shit off my legs. I got skin removed. I tried down there in my mumu area, honey. All I feel is pain and still got all the hair. Not all the hair. I mean, it took 11 hairs off, but you know, I’m not impressed. And I hurt.