The Rise of Childhood Diseases: A Support Group for Trump and Sycophantic Enablers

I don’t know if you heard, but childhood diseases came out in support of Donald Trump and JD Vance. Yeah, they’re finally getting their own groups. I mean, Democrats have women and white guys from the Midwest and… I don’t know, everybody else. Childless cat women, cat women, cats. Now, it’s unusual for childhood diseases to band together because usually, thanks to vaccines, they are competitors for the few hosts available to them. However, if Donald succeeds in getting rid of vaccinations, that opens up a whole new world. So, in the not-too-distant future, once again, human beings, including our children, will be subject to getting diseases like measles, mumps, rubella, whooping cough, smallpox, polio, all of those things we thought we’d eradicated and would never have to deal with again. But no, that’s what Donald Trump’s base wants, and that’s what he and his sycophantic enablers in the Republican Party will advocate for, no matter how many children and adults sicken and die because of it. So, polio, the brand new spokesman for children’s diseases, maybe because polio made a resurgence in upstate New York last year, has given the group’s, quote-unquote, full-throated endorsement of Donald Trump. Thanks, guys.