Body Part Rating: A Fun and Flirtatious Evaluation

okay babe so you have to rate my body parts okay from one to ten so where would you put this my stomach or whatever your flat stomach you know so where would you put it put it number three three? okay my hair number two number two? yeah I like your hair I like pull your hair oh my god my eyes you have beautiful eyes where would you put them babe four four? okay my lips okay my lips kiss me I got them to feel it kiss you? yeah okay hold on guys look now my lip gloss is on you babe okay where would you put it babe five five? this is not giving me it was not looking too good your titty? yes my chest your chest? you don’t have chest you have breasts okay where would you put it I put it at six you have perfect boobs in there babe but I save number one specifically for something okay it’s just I never knew you said boobs okay my legs my legs damn this is not giving it off my back you have nice back you have nice arch but you have to worry here you see me babe because we have to go down in numbers number one is for something you have perfect hand and everything when you grip the thing you see me so put it at nine but you have to go down in a line put it at nine have to two man my feet you have them clean and nice and you have a nice tattoo but you have to put it at ten you see it because number one is for something else what are you saving number one like oh my god put number one put that at number one still typical