Overhyped and Overpriced: Expensive Whiskies I Won’t Buy Again

Here’s a couple of bottles over a hundred bucks that I’ll never buy again. The Pierce game got me crazy experience and while I agree palette is personal but for me here’s a few things that just wasn’t worth the bang. First up midwinter nice dream. It wasn’t a over hundred dollar ride experience for me. I know a majority of this was bottle and topper but it just wasn’t a five hundred dollar experience. This is probably going to ruffle a few feathers while I absolutely love the bottle he’s just starting hitting it for me at the price point that they’re coming out at. There may be some masters keeps out there that are better but this is the one and it wasn’t the one for this price point for me. A lot of people love this one and I really got it right at a hundred but look how much I’ve had. I just I don’t like it. Let’s just go ahead and make everybody mad. If it wasn’t for this dope box I would have no love for Henny XO. Man for me privilege is all I need.