Breakfast Buffet Adventures: The Morning After Bry’s Bush Mishap

so guys this is the morning after, Bry fell in the bush he couldn’t wake up for breakfast so I took myself to breakfast if you know he’s not a massive drinker but he does like a beer now and again so here’s all the breakfast buffet don’t ask me how I burnt the toast Bry obviously did and look at that for a breakfast baby and you know what it is nice having breakfast by yourself sometimes because it’s nice to just be lost in your own thoughts and it’s just so nice to wake up and come downstairs and get a breakfast all ready it’s absolutely fabulous and I know what you’re wondering did Bry actually get any breakfast? no no he didn’t and he couldn’t even eat his lunch that’ll teach him to think he’s 18 but I think that’s his drinking done for a good year or so now bless him and please tell me you do this I always get the piece of toast and make my own little sandwich so I feel like I’ve got a full English and a sandwich winner winner your mom’s my dinner all right then bab love ya your mom oh sorry there’s a bit more of the video look at me cutting you off chin chin