Falling in Love with the Process: Embracing Change and Growth for Success

This might be the last night that we sleep at this house. She don’t sleep on a pillow tonight. Oh savage Now we’ll probably sleep on the couch, but I needed to get the daily inspiration and she’s like you got to get the daily inspiration in And so I asked her what did we what should I talk about? And she said we’ll talk about what we were talking about earlier, which was falling in love with the process while we were driving around Earlier we were talking about how falling in the love with the process is super hard And it’s really hard for people that aren’t willing to pivot. It’s really hard because people sometimes when they’re trying they don’t want to admit or they don’t want to give up on their idea that this was the way to do it and and and because then it might admit that they were wrong or that People told them to not do this and then they they still did it and now if they leave this relationship Or if they do this, it’ll look like they’ll feel like a failure, but that’s a part of growth learning to pivot At the end of the day, this is super important If you’re trying to get to any next level of your life You have to ask yourself and I talked about it yesterday The energy that you’re giving right now Are you doing your best because that that’s a good question And if people say I’m doing my best and your best has only got you to a certain level Then you need to pivot you got to figure out a different way because the way that you’re doing it is not Working it’s not getting you the results that you need It’s not getting you the results that you need you are already giving it your best Now if you’re not giving it your best then maybe you should address that if you are giving it your best You have to pivot you have to say okay. This isn’t working. What do I need to do different? What do I need to change? What what habits do I need to do? What what what do I need to give up? Where do I need to sacrifice? Do I need a different job? Do I really not need a different job and I just need to change this this and this so When you learn to fall in love with the process the great thing about for me with the process and And the reason why I’m so adamant about it because if you if you’ve been around I walked out of prison at 34 years old with nothing like nothing no bank account no job not anything and within one year I Did pretty well right I made I think $84,000 I saved 25,000 I ended up traveling the country way before Social media I did that Social media came maybe during that process But if there was no money made from social media not anything just grinding and I was documenting my journey But when I had nothing at 34 years old Not even a job or a bank account I I already was talking about learning to fall in love with the process and I have learned to fall in love with the process because I I have seen it work so many times I’m I wrote a couple books and when I started writing those books it started with one sentence and then one page and then one Chapter and then you know and then it builds and builds I learned new languages and it started with learning one word learning, you know conjunctions and Conjugations not conjunctions Conjugations and I had to learn how to conjugate the word and it was just a process and I learned that with other other situations too, so I learned to Believe in the process of showing up every single day, but don’t show up I didn’t show up and learn the same words every day when I was learning a new language I showed up and I was progressing so I learned new words I would do things that would move me forward. So a lot of times We’re calling what we’re doing the process and we’re just spinning in circles and that’s okay for a moment But you have to ask yourself in my progressing in my moving forward You are responsible for that not Anybody else honestly you can blame other people But when we blame other people not saying it’s not part of their fault But what I’m saying is when you relinquish that power and you say I can’t get ahead because of this You’re giving up the ability because now you’re saying that other people are in charge of your destiny and and I believe That that is not a great way to look at it. You have a say so You have to Put that on yourself. You have to be courageous and I know it’s hard and it’s scary Because then other people are gonna judge you and all that but I promise you that the process works But the process you’re gonna have to pivot you’re gonna have to question yourself you’re gonna have to dig deep you’re gonna have to evolve and be willing to change and and Sometimes you won’t see the ending But you got to know that the process works and if you don’t believe in the process Try doing the process with short-term goals learn to fall in love with the process. It’s not easy It’s hard if you never if you’ve never seen the results of processes Then You probably wouldn’t believe in it. It’d be hard to you’d be like man. I can’t see the results There ain’t no way I can walk in the blind But that’s why one of our fundamentals is faith without works is dead and you must learn to fall in love with the process You got to have faith, but you got to be willing to work. You got to compound that that’s got to go hand-in-hand You got to have the faith But you got to be willing to work and if you’re if you have the faith and you’re willing to work you can and will Rise I love y’all. I know this is long. I will rise and you will too and I’ll see you at the top