Gear Day Recap: The Truth About Gear vs. Laundry in Team Preparation

I feel like gear is a thing that people think that they would love about this job But let me tell you the honest truth doing gear is like doing laundry and do you like doing your own laundry? Uh, no now don’t get me wrong I really do like the ordering and getting all the cool stuff looking through the catalogs being creative on what we want to do With the screen printer, but when it comes to actually laying it out for the girls It is the most tedious task to make things even worse the backpacks and the duffel bags aren’t ready yet So I just had to lay everything on the floor I was just trying my best to keep the piles neat, but they kept falling over onto each other It was a mess. It was taking forever. Normally if I know I’m gonna do a gear day I’ll recruit a helper or two, but today I just kind of decided to do this on a whim So I did it all by myself This is probably a quarter of what we ordered for the team things are starting to come in slowly So I’m just handing it out as it comes normally try to hold it all and do a big reveal But we’ve already started practice so I feel like the girls need a few more shirts and things like that to get them through I will say that I am so pleased with how this year’s gear turned out I was a little bit nervous because I don’t really have samples to go off of when I order different things But I feel like everything looks super awesome and the screen printer really helped make the designs come to life and just have Baylor all over everything all together putting out the gear for our 19 players took me about two and a half hours But here it is all set up and the girls loved it. See you guys later. Bye